Difference between revisions of "Identification References"

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===Navigator language Property===
===Navigator language Property===

Latest revision as of 15:07, 6 June 2021

headline 1 General
headline 1 coordinates 316.000, 117.000, 0.000
references 1 Navigator language Property;

W3Schools - Get the language of the browser; https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_nav_language.asp; HTML Geolocation API; W3Schools - Locate a user's position; https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_geolocation.asp;

headline 2
headline 2 coordinates
references 2
headline 3
headline 3 coordinates
references 3
headline 4
headline 4 coordinates
references 4
headline 5
headline 5 coordinates
references 5
links to
belongs to Identification


Navigator language Property[edit]

W3Schools - Get the language of the browser


HTML Geolocation API[edit]

W3Schools - Locate a user's position
