Page values for "Distraction"

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"website" values

coordhead3.000 266.000 0.000
coordimg10 0 0
  • How to keep the user's attention on the content.
  • The presence of some design elements, media or unrelated content can be distracting.
  • Certain features of a website can increase the user's attention span.
  • A distraction-free environment makes it easier to take in content for many users.
coordsimplo0 0 0
testimonial"Trevor" is a bright 18-year-old who plays games and watches music videos on his laptop. [...] He has problems with visual information and recognizing things on the page. His reading skills are not helped by his trouble concentrating on the page or screen long enough to read. His teachers showed him how to make the text bigger on the page. They told him how to use a printable view to hide all the ads with moving images that distract him, because he reads every word on the page very carefully and literally. He can be easily confused by colloquialisms and metaphors. He can also be overwhelmed by sites that offer too many choices. <a href="">Source</a>
coordtesti0 0 0
belongstoSensitivity Attention
containsDistraction References